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Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)







UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA, within the EU GREEN University Alliance, organizes Blended Intensive Programme open for all the students from EU GREEN partner universities.


Coordinating and organizing University


Prof. Radu ȚARCĂ


Co-organizing Universities

Atlantic Technological University (Ireland)

Universidade de Evora (Portugal)

Högskolan i Gävle (Sweden)

Unversité d'Angers (France)


Programme details

  • IN-PRESENCE attendance period: 2nd – 6th of June 2025;
  • VIRTUAL attendance period: 31st of March – 30th of May 2025;
  • Language of instruction: English;
  • ECTS for participation in the programme: 6.


Programme description

This 6ECTS BIP will give an introduction to mathematical and computational modelling techniques for application in developing understanding and supporting sustainable decision making in health, environmental, societal, and industrial systems. The programme is designed for students at the Masters or Doctoral level who wish to develop these skills for application in research projects aligned to the EU GREEN research themes. This program prioritises high-level strategic thinking in the design and analysis of modelling paradigms and how they can be applied for effective decision making. Interpersonal skills together with technical skills are central to the learning outcomes.



  • Develop familiarity with fundamental approaches to mathematical and computational modelling methods, techniques and tools, including Differential Equations, Machine Learning/AI, Finite difference/element/volume method, Cellular Automata and Optimisation Algorithms,
  • Develop awareness of which methods may be suitable for different types of research problems along with the potential benefits, challenges and limitations of each approach
  • Develop skills in application of these methods to real-world multidisciplinary research problems aligned to the EU Green themes
  • Develop student transferable skills in group working and communication;
  • Help to create a culture of international and cross-discipline collaboration in postgraduate research at the EU Green institutions

The programme will consist of 9 x 2hr online weekly sessions and a week-long in-person summer school at the University of Oradea. The teaching will be delivered by different academic staff from ATU, HiG, Oradea, Evora and Angers. The summer school will comprise hands-on workshops, student presentations, and participation in a group project as well as social/networking opportunities. Students will select an individual project related to their own research domain with support from the academic staff.


As learning outcomes, it is intended to promote:

  • Approach the formulation of health/societal/industrial/environmental problems into a mathematical/computational framework;
  • Develop familiarity with a range of modelling and analytic approaches (mathematical & stochastic modelling, machine learning and optimisation);
  • Build and analyse models of processes and physical systems. These models may be predictive or descriptive and may increase understanding of the processes/physical systems;
  • Identify the limitations and weaknesses of a range of modelling/analytical approaches – in terms of accuracy, robustness, sensitivity, reliability, range of validity and resolution;
  • Appraise a range of modelling/analytical approaches to solving a problem – in terms of the potential accuracy/resolution etc. of the model predictions but also taking account of the required investment in time and cost in order to develop and test the models;
  • Program mathematical models/analytical tools;
  • Communicate model findings and limitations to technical and nontechnical audiences (e.g. policy makers) including effective visualisation.



  • Individual poster presentation (20%) – To introduce the student’s own Masters/PhD research at the beginning of the summer school;
  • Group Project (20%) – To be completed and presented at the summer school;
  • Individual Project (60%) – Written report. The project should typically comprise either (i) a high-level review of modelling relevant to the student’s research topic or (ii) some preliminary modelling work relevant to the student’s research topic.


Total number of participants by institution

The BlP is open to a maximum of 25 participants from the EU GREEN universities.


Admission profile

Students can be MSc, PhD or postdoctoral researcher, but should normally have completed at least 5 ECTS relevant to Mathematics/Statistics at undergraduate or master level.


Conditions for Admission

  • participation to the program is open to MSc, PhD or postdoctoral researcher;
  • to apply for this program, students must be regularly enrolled at one of the participating universities and completed a course in Programming, Mathematics/Statistics, or similar content;
  • at the time of the application submission, applicants must demonstrate proof of English language competence at the B2 level. This can be certified by the applicant’s home University.


How to apply

  • Students should complete the APPLICATION FORM
  • Students should send the following documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. till 16th March 2025:
    • copy of ID or passport;
    • transcript of records and certificate of enrolment;
    • proof of English language competence.


Deadline for application – March 16th, 2025


Selection procedure

An appointed Committee of the organizer and co-organizer institution will carry out the selection procedure.
Students and researchers should expect to hear back about the result of their application by 25th of March 2025. Selected students must communicate their acceptance or withdrawal within 5 days from the publication of the selection results by contacting their university program coordinator. Selected students will be contacted with further instructions upon completion of the selection procedures.


Financial support

The attendance of the Blended Intensive Programme may be covered by an ERASMUS+ SMS Short Mobility Grant for all mobile students (excluding students from the hosting University). This financial support may only be guaranteed by the selected student’s home University. The University of origin of each selected student is fully responsible for the management of the financial aspects of the mobilities in accordance with the provisions of the competent ERASMUS+ National Agency.
No financial support is foreseen for host institution students as they will not be traveling for the purposes of participation in this program (non-mobile participants).
Please refer to your local coordinator or Erasmus/International Relations Office for any further information related to the financial support made available.


Administration contact:

Dr. Dan Noje

Research Development Innovation Programs and Projects Office

University of Oradea

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          Fișă de înscriere la concursul de admitere - DOC/PDF

          Lista documente - dosar de admitere - PDF

          Declarație pe proprie răspundere privind finanțarea S.U.D. - DOC/PDF

          Declarație pe proprie răspundere privind parcurgerea a 2 programe de studii, concomitent - DOC/PDF

          Proces verbal de admitere privind ierarhizarea candidaților/studenților - doctoranzi - DOC/PDF

Desfășurare și monitorizare activități în cadrul S.U.D.

          Contract de studii universitare de doctorat, valabil începând cu anul universitar 2018 - 2019 - PDF

          Anexa - Standarde naționale minimale: Agronomie, Biologie, Economie, Farmacie, Filologie,   Geografie, Inginerie Electrică, Inginerie Energetică, Inginerie Industrială și Management, IstorieMedicină, SociologieTeologie

          Program de pregătire și rezultate bazat pe studii universitare avansate - DOC/PDF

          Orarul activitatilor - Model de prezentare - DOC/PDF

          Cerere pentru susținerea proiectului de cercetare - DOC/PDF

          Proces verbal privind evaluarea proiectului de cercetare științifică - DOC/PDF

         Cerere pentru susținerea raportului științific de progres  - DOC/PDF

         Proces verbal privind evaluarea raportului științific de progres - DOC/PDF

Formulare utilizate în cazul unor eventuale modificări intervenite în cadrul S.U.D.

          Cerere schimbare titlul tezei de doctorat - DOC/PDF

          Cerere schimbare conducător de doctorat - DOC/PDF

          Cerere pentru întrerupere/prelungirea/prelungirea cu perioada de grație a S.U.D. - DOC/PDF

Susținerea tezei de doctorat

          Cerere pentru susținerea tezei de doctorat în fața comisiei de îndrumare - DOC/PDF

         Avizul Școlii Doctorale privind verificarea antiplagiat - DOC/PDF

         Rezoluția conducătorului de doctorat privind Raportul de similitudine -  DOC/PDF

         Proces verbal privind susținerea tezei de doctorat în fața comisiei de îndrumare - DOC/PDF

         Propunere privind componența comisiei de analiză a tezei de doctorat - DOC/PDF

         Model copertă teză de doctorat - DOC/PDF

         Declarația de autenticitate a tezei de doctorat - DOC/PDF

         Cerere depunere teză de doctorat în vederea susținerii publice - DOC/PDF

         Cerere fixare dată susținere publică a tezei de doctorat - DOC/PDF

         Declarație privind intenția de publicare/ acordul de difuzare a tezei de doctorat - DOC/PDF

         Lista documentelor care trebuie depuse la SSUD, împreună cu teza de doctorat, înainte de susținerea publică - PDF

         Fișa personală pentru eliberarea diplomei de doctor în științe - DOC/PDF

Documente aferente activităților în cadrulS.U.D. (Conducere/Îndrumare doctorat/Activități didactice PUA)

         Metodologia de normare și remunerare a activităților desfășurate în cadrul S.U.D. - PDF

         Structura statelor de funcții pentru Școlile Doctorale - DOC/PDF

         Fișa individuală a postului pentru conducătorii de doctorat - DOC/PDF  

Documente abilitare

        Cerere tip pentru susținerea tezei de abilitare - DOC/PDF

        Declarație privind îndeplinirea standardelor minimale și obligatorii de abilitare CNATDCU - DOC/PDF

        Cerere afiliere la IOSUD - UO - DOC/PDF

        Angajament conducere doctorat la IOSUD - UO  - DOC/PDF

        Conținutul dosarului de abilitare (care trebuie depus la SSUD, în vederea transmiterii la CNATDCU) - PDF

Afiliere/Revocare membri Școli Doctorale

        Regulament privind acordarea și revocarea calității de membru al Școlii Doctorale din cadrul IOSUD-UO - PDF

        Cerere afiliere - DOC/PDF

        Declarație îndeplinire standarde - DOC/PDF

        Raport privind eligibilitatea dosarului de afiliere - DOC/PDF

        Proces verbal CSD - avizare cerere afiliere - DOC/PDF

        Aviz CSUD privind afilierea - DOC/PDF

        Raport CSD privind revocare membru - DOC/PDF

