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Ilieș Alexandru

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  CV CV OM nr. 479/05.03.2007

Research areas: territorial systems-structure, organisation, dynamics and systemic functionality; tourism and tourism planning, natural and cultural heritage; human geography; geosport;

Research themes: 1. Spatial analysis and cartographic representation 2. Territorial systems - genesis, structure, dynamics, functionality and systemic integration 3. Tourism and tourism planning 4. Social and cultural geography. Sports phenomenon and infrastructure: spatial analysis and territorial planning and functional systemic integration 5. Natural and man-made heritage: prospecting, evaluation, protection and valorisation


Gaceu Ovidiu Răzvan

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  CV CV OM nr. 623/06.11.2014

Research areas: climate variability and change, balneoclimatic tourism in Romania, meteorology and climatology of tourism, biometeorology and human bioclimatology, indoor microclimate, air quality and population health.

Research topics: 1. Microclimate and air quality in the interiors of Oradea. 2. Geographical conditions and health status of the population of Bihor County. 3. Weather and its influence on the inhabitants of Bihor county. 4. Climate variability in western Romania. 5. The balneoclimatic potential of Bihor county: past, present, future.


Ilieș Dorina Camelia

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Research areas: spatial planning and geotourism; natural and cultural heritage; geography of tourism; territorial systems-structure, organisation, dynamics and systemic functionality

Research themes: 1.Natural heritage: survey, assessment, conservation, protection and enhancement. 2. Anthropogenic heritage: survey, evaluation, conservation, protection and enhancement 3. Geosites: prospecting and tourism planning 4. Tourism and tourism planning 5. Spatial analysis and cartographic representation


Olaru Martin

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  CV CV OM nr. 1071/15.05.2007

Research areas: geography of tourism and tourism planning; natural and cultural heritage; organization of geographical space, territorial systems-structure, organization, dynamics and systemic functionality

Research themes: 1.Cultural heritage: survey, evaluation, conservation, protection and enhancement. 2. Tourism and tourism planning 3. Population geography and demographic studies 4. Geography of human settlement systems 5. Spatial analysis and cartographic representation


Wendt Jan

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  CV CV Atestat de recunoaștere 26074/10.05.2012

Research areas: territorial systems-structure, organisation, dynamics and systemic functionality; tourism and tourism planning, political and social geography and cross-border cooperation

Research themes: 1. political geography and geopolitics 2. Cross-border territorial systems - genesis, structure, dynamics, functionality and systemic integration 3. Communication and transport systems 4. Tourism and tourism planning 5. Spatial analysis and cartographic representation


Prof.univ.dr. habil.

Mihai VODĂ

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
 CV  CV  Diploma de abilitare
 Research areas:  Water Resources, Sustainable Development, Geospatial Information, Tourism Geography

Research topics:1.Geosystem-based water security in changing environments 2.Ungauged river basins assessment and prediction 3.Remote sensing-driven hydrological models 4.Specialized remote sensing data for Geosystems` evaluation5.Smartphone spatial information applications role in sustainable development 6.Fragmentation and flow regulation of river systems 7.River conservation management 8.Geospatial information and geographic information systems for sustainability research

Associates - Members of Steering Committees
  Baiaș Ștefan Conf.univ.dr.
  Feflea Ioan Conf.univ.dr.
  Filimon Luminița Conf.univ.dr.
  Herman Grigore Conf.univ.dr.
  Ianc Dorina Conf.univ.dr.
  Josan Ioana Conf.univ.dr.
  Linc Ribana Conf.univ.dr.
  Stașac Marcu Conf.univ.dr.