
Editorial Office: University of Oradea
Str. nr. 1, 410087 Oradea-Bihor
Phone: +40 259 408281
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URL: https://doctorat.uoradea.ro/ro/evenimente2-7/399-musica-academica-scientific-journal

About Musica Academica:
ISSN (print): ISSN 3061-5364
ISSN-L: 3061-5364
ISSN (on line): ………………
Subject: Musicology    
Language: Romanian/English
Publication Fees: None
Periodicity: Annually
Type of Publication: Scientific/Academic, Peer-Reviewed
Open Access: Yes (Fully Open Access)

Aims and Scope:
Musica Academica is a musicological research journal affiliated with the Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Oradea, Romania The journal’s main objective is to promote the dissemination of scientific and academic research in the field of music, including interdisciplinary approaches. Submissions are welcome from a wide range of thematic areas, including: music analysis, historical musicology, music theory, performance studies, music education, ethnomusicology and folklore, aesthetics, stylistics, composition, sociology/psychology of music, management/marketing studies, musical practice, music technology, and other lines of music research.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Romanian or English (other languages may be considered) by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
The deadline for submitting articles is July 1st.
The format of the publication can be found in the “Instructions to Authors” section.  
Authors assume full responsibility for the authenticity and scientific accuracy of the submitted papers.

Privacy Statement:
The names and email addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for the journal’s stated purposes and will not be made available for any other use.
Open Access Policy:
All articles published in Musica Academica are fully open access, freely available to read, download, and share. Musica Academica does not charge authors any publication fees or article processing charges.

Revista Musica Academica - scientific journal ediția 2024
EDITORIAL BOARD/Colectiv editorial
Scientific Board/ Colectiv științific
Univ. Professor, PhD., Master of Arts, VICTORIA MELNIC, Academy of Music,
Theater and Fine Arts, Faculty of Musical Art, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
Univ. Professor, PhD., SVETLANA BADRAJAN, Academy of Music, Theater
and Fine Arts, Faculty of Musical Art, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil., ELENA CHIRCEV,„Gh. Dima” National Academy
of Music, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil., GABRIELA COCA, Babes –Bolyai University,
Music Department of the Faculty of Reformed Theology and Music, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania
Univ. Professor, PhD., CARMEN MIHĂESCU, Arts University of Târgu Mureș,
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil., LAURA VERONICA DEMENESCU, „Aurel Vlaicu”
University of Arad, Romania
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil PETRUȚA-MARIA COROIU, Transilvania
University of Brașov, Romania
Univ. Assoc. Prof., ION ARDEREANU, „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad,
Deputy/Managing Editor/ Director editorial
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil., ROMEO RÎMBU, University of Oradea
Editor in chief/ Redactor șef
Univ. Professor, PhD., habil., MIRELA ȚÂRC, University of Oradea,
E mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., nr.1 University str.,Oradea, Bihor
Permanent editorial board/ Redactori
Univ. Assoc. prof LUMINIȚA-VIRGINIA BURCĂ University of Music Bucharest
Univ. Professor PhD habil. LAURA VERONICA DEMENESCU „Aurel Vlaicu”
University of Arad
Univ. Assoc. prof. PhD. MĂDĂLINA HOTORAN, Emanuel University of Oradea

Peer Review Process:

Musica Academica employs a double-blind peer review system. Two music scholars from different universities will review the content of each submission without knowing the author's name or affiliation. The evaluation criteria are detailed in the "Reviewer's Guide." After review, the editor will send the reviewers' comments to the author. Accepted papers may be returned to the author for revisions. The author will be notified of the reviewers' and editors' decision regarding acceptance or rejection. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other throughout the process.

Reviewer's Guide:

Reviewer's name:
Manuscript number:
Article title:
Date sent to reviewer:
Date expected from reviewer:
Research field in Music:

Reviewer's comments

The Abstract synthesyzes the content of study
The methodology of the study  is efficient  and appropriate to the proposed theme. The introduction and title are clear and reflect the topic of the paper
The presentation of the content is clear. The contribution to the field is important  and original
Bibliography/References are reliable, recent, and suitable.
The Conclusions summarize the results clearly.


Accepted in the initial form
Requires minor/moderate corrections
Requires major revision
Observations, comments, suggestions


Indexing: The journal is in the process of indexing

Instructions to authors:
